I'm currently working on a small but important application for a services organization. I'd love to talk more about it, but I'm under an NDA.

Our team is so small we don't have any of the usual overhead required for managing a software project. Sadly, no formal testing beyond application users. But, the app is clean and concise, so the lack of formal testing can mostly be overcome through diligence and keeping the big picture in mind. No standup meetings. Not ticketing system, just a document describing next steps.

But, what it does have is glorious: It let's me code like a noob again. It truly is my dream job. The app could never be used to take advantage or harm others. The application isn't in an evil industry. It isn't a chiseler app making money by providing a slightly easier experience for some task that was already pretty easy. There's no delusional CEO chasing the last technology or idea they read in a social media post. The job is paying a fair industry rate, but I'm effectively a part-time dev because the work doesn't require much more than half a regular workweek's hours. I actually love the shrunken workweek and, weirdly, work with more energy for the half-week than my normal hustle during a 40-hour week.. 

But,.. Bills. 

I need more dough,.. but everything about this gig is my actual dream job. The work reminds me of my early days coding and awakens that first passion. I'm just having fun building a non-evil application. The industry might be sundowning guys like me; If this is my last work as a software developer, I'll go out grateful I was still having fun.